The district is famous throughout Spain for both its density and intensity of bars and clubs and because of León's reputation for free tapas bars.
Brilliant - oh, and there's free tapas in all the bars.
A Map This place is always packed with euro-economising leonéses, here for the remarkably good house wine and accompanying free and good-size tapas; both for the bargain-basement price of €1.50.
You'll even get free tapas with your drink in any bar.
Revel in Granada - the magical Alhambra, thumping nightlife and free tapas!
Opposite is a warren of streets crammed with bars offering free tapas.
Snappily dressed waiters serve up classic Spanish dishes, with some wonderful specials like lamb with summer fruits, and there's free tapas with drinks.
A book of coupons given to students upon arrival includes those for free tapas and drinks at bars.
A Map This atmospheric old drinking den serves fine draft beer and free tapas.
They still serve free tapas in the bars.