In the same vein, Isamu Noguchi's low chess table, with its flowing lines, epitomizes his free-form sculptures and lyrical stage sets.
This reminds me of free-form sculpture from Benega IV.
He nipped out of the tube at his exit and darted behind a sort of free-form sculpture with plants nearby in the mallway.
Since redwood does not decay, they are still there, great silvery free-form sculptures.
"Koi," Big Ezoe said from his seat behind the massive black rosewood desk, a kind of free-form sculpture which Americans would recognize and cherish as retro.
It seemed to be an array of metal tubes, inextricably intertwined, looking almost like a free-form sculpture.
It flared into a circus, in the center of which stood a free-form sculpture done in twisted metal.
Newcomers learned not to sit on the "bunks," which looked like pieces of free-form sculpture, felt like foam rubber with a metal core, and changed shape without warning.
There was fifty feet of space above the tables, empty but for a free-form sculpture in stressed wire.
The people fought to defend a barren parking lot they had turned into a community center with grass, swings, free-form sculpture and gardens.