This may be related to an "anti-establishment" and a "free-spirited" nature of the indies, the researchers said.
Also like Uhtred, she comes to love the Danes for their free-spirited nature.
The service today was filled with stories of Mr. Fish's free-spirited nature.
Jill's free-spirited nature causes some friction, however.
The free-spirited nature of jazz spread throughout American culture.
A young woman who is introduced in chapter 6; attracted to Amira's free-spirited nature, they two become good friends.
He was also frequently in trouble due to his free-spirited nature.
But what Mr. Fengya likes to dispense as well is a bit of his free-spirited nature.
However, Janaki's free-spirited nature takes him very near to her, and he develops an intimate friendship.
He liked her free-spirited nature, but when it came to the physical, she wanted to go further than he felt comfortable with.