The building's free-standing walls could be extended over time, a new brick being added for each cremation.
They can cause free-standing walls in ruins to tumble.
How do you keep a huge free-standing wall from toppling on Whitney patrons?
Many department stores achieve this effect by encasing free-standing walls or columns with mirrors.
Between these two structures is an older free-standing wall.
But my view is obscured by a pillared free-standing wall that runs parallel to the north face of the building.
Even the inevitable fish tanks look appealing, set into a bright red free-standing wall, with plenty of room for the fish.
A free-standing wall has a higher collapse risk than a non-bearing wall.
The design's three free-standing walls, unencumbered by enclosure, created the effect of a regatta on land.
The reassembled parts will form a free-standing wall, separated from the masonry by several feet.