Put yourself in the attitude of a freeborn man, or even one of wealth or noble birth.
These are the freeborn men of the tribe.
The ancient Olympics had fewer events than the modern games, and only freeborn Greek men were allowed to participate, although a woman Bilistiche is also mentioned as a winning chariot owner.
For the Roman legal term for a freeborn man, see ingenui.
Only the freeborn men of Astapor are permitted to wear garments called tokars, whose fringes display their status.
His progress in Britain was marked by slaughter, destruction and imprisonment, putting many freeborn men (ingenuorum ) in irons and handcuffs.
Throughout the existence of the Empire, Byzantine crews consisted of mostly lower-class freeborn men, who were professional soldiers, legally obliged to perform military service (strateia) in return for pay or land estates.
As I leave, I am grateful to all letter writers for their faith in the liberty that Euripides tells us comes only when 'freeborn men speak free.'
The playwright Euripides (480-406 BC) defended the true liberty of freeborn men, the right to speak freely,.