Submitting one's will to the State denies personal freedom, choice, and responsibility.
This happened over and over again in the Dream as in memory, until sleep became yet another freedom denied him.
As voting day approached, the man was exploring freedoms denied him for years as a bonded laborer in a stone quarry outside the city.
Even though autonomy had been established in 1970 local population enjoyed no particular democratic freedom denied to the rest of the country.
He has achieved a freedom denied others.
He had simply discovered a new hobby, one that allowed him a freedom of expression denied him by the commercial strictures of his job.
According to Norwegian lawyers' support group, Vanunu was a political prisoner, denied democratic freedom of speech.
Just as sickness denies one the freedom and happiness of health, so ill will denies one the freedom and happiness of peace.
The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably.
No matter what he may have thought about the subject, religious freedom includes the freedom to question and deny any tenet of any creed.