Strong privacy rights lay the foundation for democracy by enabling the exercise of political freedoms enshrined in the First Amendment.
Everyone did what he wanted, individualism and personal freedom being enshrined traditions.
Promptly at noon, Huang Xiang announced the foundation of The Enlightenment Society, whose purpose it would be to advocate freedoms enshrined in the country's constitution.
We do not pledge allegiance to our flag alone, but to the Republic for which it stands: a Republic nurtured by the precious freedoms enshrined in the First Amendment.
The congress on Friday issued a set of constitutional principles and a draft model for a constitition guaranteeing a non-racial democracy with basic freedoms enshrined in a bill of rights.
Firstly, to make the freedoms enshrined in the Treaty more effective and more real, particularly the mobility of workers.
They should, however, unfailingly uphold the principle that the economic freedoms enshrined in the Treaty can be combined with the various social models.
This is one of the basic freedoms enshrined in the Treaty of Rome.
It is a hateful act that violates human rights and the fundamental freedoms enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights.
Freedom of the press is a fundamental freedom enshrined in Article 21 of the Italian Constitution.