Its freedom protects the whole society's.
Religious freedom in Canada is a constitutionally protected right, allowing believers the freedom to assemble and worship without limitation or interference.
Like with freedom of speech, freedom of the press does not protect everything that a journalist writes.
I don't want any laws or freedoms to protect me from a man like Mr. Capes.
But academic freedom, unlike freedom of speech, does not protect incompetence, illogicality and disregard of the facts.
Meanwhile, some English academics have argued that academic freedom doesn't protect patently false beliefs and approve of protesters who would prevent him from lecturing.
He interpreted past freedom of religion case law as meaning the right protects religious beliefs and practices that result from those beliefs.
Indian religious freedom and cultural integrity protected.
But those treasured freedoms of thought and expression do not protect a person whose bigoted thought turns into criminal action.
As most writers would testify, however, freedom of the press actually protects the rights of those who can afford to publish their own newspaper, magazine or leaflet.