In addition, certain categories of activity may be considered crimes even if freely consented to.
Q. How can you be sure donors are consenting freely?
Such blasphemers by the Mosaic law were to be stoned to death and for his part he could freely consent to it.
You see that I consent freely to his wishes by asking the hand of your second daughter, whose age is more suited to his.
You'll consent freely to anyone who'll take you.
Since S. freely consented to the contract with P., she ought to honor it.
"But the project you described to me would change the children in a fundamental way-before they freely consented."
She rejected, for example, the government's contention that Mr. Awadallah freely consented to a search of his car and his apartment.
Only if you will consent freely and willingly to my aid will this be my path.
It claims to break the contract, to which the spouses freely consented, to live with each other till death.