In the 1980's, waivers were granted freely, often for no reason at all, the report said.
The request was freely granted, and soon the castle gates opened.
Could she withhold from him what she would grant freely to her cat?
I freely grant you that, on objective measure, the least of robots is superior to the finest human specimen.
Which all of us will freely grant.
The odds are against you walking out of this affair alive, I will freely grant you that, but the possibility exists.
Wishes too freely granted may produce a bottomless void, a yearning that is never satisfied.
Some journalists feel that when it comes to government employees, no waiver short of a public statement can be judged to be freely granted.
Permission is freely granted to reproduce this data when accompanied by an acknowledgment:
I hear your claim and would freely grant it, but I am not a king that you should seek naud of me.