Two seconds long freestyle battle between two MCs in the Doggy Fizzle studio.
This show focuses on freestyle battles on various current issues including rapper in the underground scene.
After some music and dancing, Kid and Play first get into a dance contest with Sidney and Sharane, and later have a quick freestyle battle.
Khia also performed this song on Miss Rap Supreme during a freestyle battle.
Immortal Technique is reputed to be the only MC who can hold his ground against Walz in a freestyle battle.
In that same year, he won an amateur freestyle battle, which consisted of about 2,000 contestants and held by Nubian Productions.
The feud continued to simmer, and rumors of a live pay-per-view freestyle battle began to circulate but never came to fruition.
Historically, the most popular of the competitions has been the freestyle battle, although all aspects of hip hop culture are well represented.
He also once defeated Peter Crouch in a freestyle battle.
Since then, the show has become the longest-running freestyle battle and the largest slam on the West Coast.