It was the first Olympic swimming event to not be a freestyle competition.
Four years later he won the gold medal in the freestyle lightweight competition.
In the freestyle competition on 15 February, she placed 51st with a 27:43.6 time (2:45.2 behind first).
The first freestyle competition involving mogul skiing occurred in 1971.
Because the front crawl is most commonly used in freestyle competitions, all of these kicks are legal.
The unthinkable had become reality; a backflip was now common place in freestyle competition.
In 1924 he finished fourth in the freestyle heavyweight competition.
As a member of the Scottish relay team she won her second bronze medal in the 4x100 yards freestyle competition.
Most of the American success came in the freestyle competitions, with all six medals coming in that discipline.
In 1948 he won the silver medal in the freestyle heavyweight competition.