In late August, the service froze the organization's bank accounts.
The government banned him from leaving the country and froze his bank accounts in 2009.
The move allows member states to freeze monetary accounts and share intelligence on the groups.
The state also froze the home's bank accounts and will turn over those funds to the temporary operator.
Lord Ashdown said he had taken steps to freeze the party's bank accounts, more than 60 in all.
Authorities have frozen the joint venture's bank accounts, in the Netherlands.
At the same time, it decided that the provision not to freeze accounts on humanitarian grounds no longer applied.
The authorities have frozen the company's bank accounts and barred Yukos from selling assets to pay the bill.
As a result, Belgium froze their bank accounts.
The government froze the company's bank accounts on Thursday, a move that Yukos said might force it out of business.