I don't have to worry about taking up my freezer space.
In response, people complained that the freezer space was too narrow for a frozen pizza to lie flat.
Attempts to put promotions in the freezer space have sometimes met with disaster.
And supermarkets, attracted by the relatively high profit margins on frozen food, have rushed to increase freezer space.
If you have the freezer space available, freezing is probably the most desirable choice for cooking herbs.
We shared our freezer space with the ones we knew, but didn't see anyone else to whom the offer could be made.
The problem was that most people didn't have enough freezer space to store the meals.
The restaurants intentionally have little freezer space because they make everything fresh daily.
Because her food was perishable, she sold it frozen - but did not realize that in 2006 few pet stores had freezer space.
There are two refrigerators - but the freezer space is so limited that friends often store items for her.