They said not a word, but labored to the sound of their own desperate breathing, the frenzied beat of the drum, Bonden's hoarse shouts, and the roar of the Boar's Eye.
On her new single, "Sunshowers" (watch the video at, she updates the avant-disco classic by adding some slick, tongue-twisting rhymes and a frenzied beat.
The ship's prow dipped hideously into the outer edges of the Maelstrom and then raced twice around the huge whirlpool with the oarsmen frantically bending their backs to the frenzied beat of the drum.
Somewhere across town we could still hear the frenzied beat of the dance as it moved through the streets.
Music was provided by no fewer than four orchestras ranging in size from six to twenty instruments, playing everything from the stately strains of Monteverdi to the frenzied beat of the disco.
She waited for what would come next, the anticipation building within her with every frenzied beat of her heart.
The Macross Amphitheater was shaking and quaking-not to thunderous applause or the rhythm of the band but to the frenzied beat of war.
From somewhere behind him came the frenzied beat of pigeons' wings and the rattle of a small rock on stone.
To Blade's surprise, he saw Death Master stand and pull Claire erect, clasp her tightly, and begin dancing slowing despite the frenzied beat of the music.
And when we'd pulled it into the canoe, the quiet returned, so that it was difficult to believe it had ever been disturbed by the shot and the frenzied beat of wings.