Keeping up with the frenzied pace of buy and sell orders had become almost impossible, he said.
Nevertheless, with less than 24 hours until the polls opened, all three candidates kept up a frenzied pace.
My longer strides brought me to Ann's side in a few frenzied paces.
With the frenzied pace of the 1996 race, he said, the total spent "could well exceed $600 million."
By noon, after working at a frenzied pace, the job was done.
But the town is being transformed at a frenzied pace.
Despite its frenzied pace of sales, it was hardly a business in the Western sense.
Even those who are not ruled by the frenzied pace of the chain feel the pressure.
With the increasingly frenzied pace, it became impossible to think a thought through to the end.
Some are betting (and hoping) that the frenzied pace will continue.