With this definition we can characterize the multi-port antenna's frequency bandwidth and radiation performance.
To extend the high frequency bandwidth, we can isolate the top octave using high pass filtering and then generating harmonics of this.
This has the effect of allowing each animal a unique frequency bandwidth where jamming will not occur.
Successive parts of the tonotopically organized basilar membrane in the cochlea resonate to corresponding frequency bandwidths of incoming sound.
Therefore, a sampling rate of 40 kHz would be theoretically enough to capture all the information contained in a signal having frequency bandwidth up to 20 kHz.
E.g., synchronous signals in wide frequency bandwidth can be produced by a comb generator.
Prisms will generally disperse light over a much larger frequency bandwidth than diffraction gratings, making them useful for broad-spectrum spectroscopy.
Some experts complained initially that true high-definition television consumed so much radiowave frequency "bandwidth" that it could only be broadcast by satellites.
This is due to the inverse relationship between the frequency bandwidth of a pulse and its time duration, due to their being conjugate variables.
The Q-bandwidth is a measure of the frequency bandwidth over which the modes in a reverberation chamber are correlated.