Note that the frequency of this condition does not indicate the true prevalence of chimerism.
The prevalence and frequency of these misspellings indicate they are not typographical errors.
The frequency with which these situations occur indicates a very clear need to reevaluate the manner in which data is stored, transported, and retained.
The frequency of pulses indicates the power demand.
But the frequency of fines for non-attendance indicates the declining authority of the Forest administration.
The frequency is measured and indicates the amount of force on the sensor.
Generally, the frequency of the beep indicates distance from an obstruction, with the beeps becoming faster the closer the vehicle moves to an object.
The frequency of the tone (high, medium, or low) indicated which set of characters within the display were to be reported.
It registered the weak magnetic fields associated with thought activity, whereby the intensity and frequency indicated the intelligence level of the thinker.
Hence high frequencies of micronuclei in human peripheral blood indicate a ruptured or absent spleen.