Ultraterrestrials were sent down the frequency scale to help guide the cavemen.
Tuning in a station requires a deft touch (and in the case of the Sony, good eyesight to read the tiny frequency scale).
The frequency scale for the phase plot is logarithmic.
She played the hopper's radio receiver up and down the frequency scale, seeking the automated homing beacon from the Malapert base.
When participants rate themselves on these questions, they are given a 4-point frequency scale.
The frequency scales differ between the two types of anxiety.
The frequency scale is marked along the locus, of course.
It was a hyper-modulated oscillation which ranged at high interval values across the frequency scale but didn't match a well-defined pattern.
Scientific pitch notation is a logarithmic frequency scale.
An arbitrary temperature T is taken as a reference for setting the frequency scale (the curve at that temperature undergoes no shift).