Indeed, there have been frequent accusations that the Bush administration is mistakenly following the Israeli model.
This was widely regarded as an attempt to disprove the frequent accusations of SF not being "economically responsible".
Such incendiary rhetoric, and frequent accusations by some anti-abortionists that abortion providers are committing murder, can only fuel more terrorism.
One frequent accusation is that the army is slow to step in once a massacre starts.
This notion of frequent false accusations came about after the police and investigators began to follow an "over-cautious approach" when addressing reports of domestic violence.
In this campaign, Harkin has faced frequent accusations of being long on rhetoric and short on substance.
Kearney's Irish immigrant background made him subject to frequent accusations that he was a foreign agitator.
The government received increased frequent accusations of corruption and nepotism.
LaVey responds to some of the frequent accusations against Satanism.
Contrary to the frequent accusations made against us, I do not mean a consensus with terrorists and murderers.