He is also remembered for his frequent attendance at parliament, for which he was, among other things, an auditor of accounts.
Also, it lay beyond the fields where the daily labour of ploughing, weeding and harvest required frequent attendance from the houses of the town.
It would also involve their frequent attendance at fund-raising events at the White House and around the country, he said.
He seems to have been, in his later years, involved in litigation, which necessitated his frequent attendance in town.
For example, some coffeehouses began charging more than the customary penny to preserve frequent attendance of the higher standing clientele they served.
Rosas was known for his great appreciation of the black population, and his frequent attendance at the Candomblés.
Increased attendance at home contests has also been aided by the creation of a fan rewards program for frequent attendance.
The minimum number of performances has lessened over the years, but artists offered membership are expected to show a dedication to the Opry with frequent attendance.
During early adulthood, people practice religion less than they did during adolescence with approximately half as frequent attendance of religious events and services.
More frequent religious attendance is associated with about a 40% decrease in the expected number of gambling problems in Catholics.