In our local post office the other morning I played a fargrant part in one of those increasingly frequent collisions between modern life and village life.
In the late 20th century, the 86 had a rather notorious reputation for frequent and often fatal collisions.
There are frequent head-on collisions on the bypass.
Earth was initially molten due to extreme volcanism and frequent collisions with other bodies.
Never assume right-of-way, as aggressive and undisciplined local driving habits result in frequent collisions.
At sea level there are more particles with more energy, resulting in more frequent and violent collisions, or higher pressure.
This unique topography allows for frequent collisions of warm and cold air, the conditions that breed strong, long-lived storms throughout the year.
Much of the Earth was molten because of extreme volcanism and frequent collisions with other bodies.
A particle diffusing through a liquid is subject to frequent collisions.
Experimental results on nucleon-nucleon scattering indicate frequent elastic collisions implying a free mean path very much shorter than the nucleus radius.