There is frequent confusion between the terms "splog" and "spam in blogs".
This eliminates the frequent confusion of whether a train is local or express.
The importance of this vein comes from the frequent confusion between it and the GSV made at ultrasonographic examination.
On the other hand, our frequent confusion about electronic sounds suggests that they are somehow directionless.
Chipping away at this testimony may be made more difficult because of Mr. Salem's frequent confusion over questions defense lawyers have asked.
The frequent confusion of the letters for the front and back nasal vowels suggests that the two vowels were phonetically very similar.
A frequent confusion results when persons do not understand the difference between ProScout and the agencies they work with.
There is frequent confusion about whether a "party admission" has to be a statement that is against the interests of its maker.
His frequent confusion (or feigned confusion) quickly made him an instant star on the Karakuri-TV show.
Hence the frequent confusion with the Tholos which was near the council chamber and was the residence of the Prytaneis of the council.