The autograph and very frequent correspondence between Bonaparte and Paul passed through his hands.
Beyond having frequent written correspondence with him, she also served as a "commissionary" for all the Haugeans in Norway wanting to read his works.
The two maintained a frequent correspondence for over forty-five years, until Bingham's death, in which they discussed a variety of personal, social, and political issues.
The elder Lahm kept his family connected to one another through frequent correspondence, visits, and educating each child for a year in France.
Further negotiations by frequent correspondence between the King and the Long Parliament through to early summer proved fruitless.
We didn't see each other for some months after my resignation, but we kept up a frequent correspondence.
Mother and daughter were very close and remained in frequent correspondence even after the latter's marriage.
He maintained frequent correspondence with his network of collectors and he was often visited by museum professionals and scholars from institutions around the world.
San Martin had great affection for Brandsen with whom he maintained frequent correspondence.
His goodwill continued to be reflected in frequent correspondence.