We observed that frequent daily dosing, reduced risk perception from nonadherence, and lower annual income were associated with over-reporting in our study population.
This, combined with the need for frequent dosing has limited its usefulness.
However, elderly individuals may face challenges, including multiple medications with frequent dosing, and potentially decreased dexterity or cognitive functioning.
Some of the medicines come in long-acting forms that require less frequent dosing while providing long-lasting pain relief.
Short-acting medicines require frequent dosing.
As a consequence, frequent dosing would be expected to correlate with over-reporting via its connection with actual adherence.
The effectiveness of zinc as a cold remedy relies on frequent dosing during the illness.
Less frequent subcutaneous dosing than for heparin for postoperative prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism.
Xgeva is administered using a higher dose and with more frequent dosing than Prolia.
Reduced doses and more frequent dosing could dilute out the adverse effects and still produce some beneficial effects.