Destiny (Irene Adler), a precognitive mutant and frequent foe of the X-Men.
She sees Lillian Hellman, McCarthy's frequent foe, with equal acumen.
The ruler of Hel and Niffleheim, the character has been a frequent foe of Thor.
Mankind; a frequent foe of the Undertaker, was also in the series, but played a minor role.
The Question's most frequent foe was Max Bine (a.k.a.
He is a master of biochemistry, and frequent foe of Captain America and the Avengers.
Although the game with Japan must be played before one or two with Canada, the talk around the rink concerns the frequent foe from the great, white North.
He was a constant warrior, and his most frequent foes were of the House of Savoy.
Moltar - Commander of a legion of molten monsters and one of Space Ghost's most frequent foes.
He specializes in mind control, and is a frequent foe of Iron Man.