The opinion first took shape years ago when life overseas meant frequent journeys through Kennedy.
He also wrote half a dozen plays and countless essays and magazine articles, many of them on his frequent journeys around the globe.
From 1819 Johann took Friedrich with him on his frequent journeys.
On the other hand, the nature of Mr. Bowen's work allowed him frequent journeys to the United States.
Father McFarland from his college made frequent missionary journeys among scattered Catholics.
To dream of wire, denotes that you will make frequent but short journeys which will be to your disparagement.
But their most frequent journeys took them to the ruins of an old abbey.
They made frequent journeys for propaganda purposes, especially in Tuscany.
If Putt is in the habit of making frequent journeys to London he'll have already rid himself of such incriminating items there.
And Mayrhofer was an Austrian who left his home on frequent mysterious journeys.