Responding to complaints from women's advocates, the Clinton Administration announced today that its health plan would pay for more frequent mammograms than it had originally recommended.
People found to have the genetic flaw might consider more frequent mammograms, said researchers, or the use of experimental therapies like tamoxifen, which could help prevent breast cancer.
He said the study raised questions about whether close female relatives of victims of the disease should have frequent mammograms, X-rays used to check for breast cancer.
He has also made Long Island's high incidence of breast cancer a cornerstone of his campaign and has called for liberalized Medicare rules to permit more frequent mammograms.
Women at risk can also have frequent mammograms and breast examinations in hope of catching the disease early enough to cure it, but it is not clear how well that approach works.
Although there have been some reports that women in their 40's who get frequent mammograms might somehow be predisposed to breast cancer, most experts believe this is not a concern.
I just think that mammography's usefulness is overrated, and there is no data supporting annual versus less frequent mammograms.
"More frequent mammograms is another option," Jack added.
They have obeyed, but want the family doctor to make sure she has frequent mammograms and screenings.
Should a woman with such a diagnosis have more frequent mammograms?