On the farm it undergoes fertilization, frequent watering, frequent mowing and subsequent vacuuming to remove the clippings.
Much easier is frequent mowing.
These plants should be put only where they can be contained by walls or edgings, or kept in bounds by frequent mowing.
The lawn is managed as an amenity area and maintained by frequent mowing and treatment with fertiliser and pesticide when required.
If the mower is set to cut high, about two-and-a-half to even three inches, then with frequent mowings, the cut grass clippings will be short and will decompose readily.
But this practice, while it produced soft-textured grass, also meant more frequent mowing and a lawn more susceptible to disease.
But more fertilizer applications than this will promote rapid, succulent growth, make frequent mowing necessary and usually exacerbate disease problems.
The lawn clippings must be short, that is, frequent mowing is essential especially when the grass is growing vigorously during the earlier spring months when there usually are ample rains.
"Perfect" smooth green lawns require frequent mowing, watering, fertilizers and pesticides.
This does mean frequent mowing at this time of year.