One suffers frequent nightmares and what a military psychologist says is post-traumatic stress disorder.
It is revealed that Nanashi has frequent nightmares about his past.
This was exactly the kind of horror the communications officer had imagined in her once frequent nightmares associated with space travel.
Do you have frequent nightmares or flashbacks of traumatic events?
The details were still the stuff of frequent nightmares.
There's someone a dozen dimensions over from here, runs a hot dog stand, who features you in his most frequent nightmares.
"If she's having frequent nightmares, maybe she's not as well balanced as you think."
In the aftermath of the shootings at the school, many of the children experienced frequent, terrible nightmares.
I had frequent nightmares, sometimes two or three a night.
The standard advice is to return to the rehearsal method if frequent nightmares recur.