However, he continued to make frequent offensive patrols and reconnaissance flights, particularly over the Somme battlefields.
Not only were there frequent patrols, but the belongings of clubgoers were also searched at the door.
During the 1915-1916 winter the L.19 became well-known to neutral merchant ships in the North Sea due to her frequent patrols.
"My guys have stepped it up," said Captain Alles, referring to the department's more frequent patrols.
They conducted frequent patrols along an outpost network, often encountering and engaging Chinese troops.
The policemen erected watchtowers and conducted frequent patrols in search of the guerillas.
These frequent patrols lasted for a period of 6 weeks and were used more effectively in 1916.
But they did have frequent patrols; it wasn't often we could sneak from one area to another without at least seeing a patrol.
The combination, though, of frequent patrols, heavy artillery bombardment, and starvation served to eliminate this strongpoint in the end.
But today they ran frequent patrols far deeper into the zone than they were ever stationed, and nobody complained.