Her goal was to keep getting treatments for her frequent recurrences until doctors discovered a cure.
There are, however, frequent recurrences.
The journey continued, with frequent, though decreasing, recurrences of nausea for Ransom.
Men had more frequent recurrence than women (NS).
They also have more frequent recurrence of episodes of depression, and are more impaired by their depression in school and in their social life.
If the task be a difficult one at any time, its difficulty, certainly, is not diminished when a frequent recurrence to the same theme has left one nothing new to say.
They also hope to be able to track its waxing and waning and perhaps to develop a way to reduce the debilitating symptoms or prevent the frequent recurrences.
Because of the frequent recurrence of squamous intraepithelial lesions after treatment, close surveillance with colposcopy and cytology are recommended.
That would be terrible as chronic injuries are 'lasting for a long period of time or marked by frequent recurrence'.
These jets of light, rapid in nature, and of frequent recurrence, they attributed to thunderstorms generated in the lunar atmosphere.