The more services the company provides, like toll-free telephone help, glossy shareholder reports and frequent statements, the higher a fund's expenses.
A frequent statement in discussions of the methodology is "If the student doesn't learn, the teacher hasn't taught."
"The most frequent statement during the hearing had to do with their interest in finding a way to punish us," he said.
They have been the vehicles for the frequent statements by Washington journalists quoting unnamed senior Administration officials.
The church itself often hits this note, making frequent statements in support of human rights and religious freedom.
Mosaddeq visited Washington, and the American government made "frequent statements expressing support for him."
Some have criticized his organization, citing frequent militant statements.
Her fame got even more damaged with the frequent statements of the obviously hurt and betrayed wife of Şenlendirici.
"Men's bodies don't matter like women's," is a frequent statement of fact in these debates.
And given his frequent statements (latest attached) why should Labour be interested in dealing with the likes of him?