Within this exploration, the National Theatre frequently attempts very courageous experiments, which means that its stage, although a showcase, is not at all academic.
And anyone who reads my stuff without knowing I am frequently attempting to achieve irony should probably feel as inadequate as they do.
A young man that frequently attempts to assume the role as a tough soldier.
He frequently attempts to unite his family, and is devastated with the mutation/death of his mother by Eve.
Dougan frequently attempts different variations of the same track, which usually find their way onto single releases.
He frequently attempted to deflect criticism of his administration and personal life by characterizing such allegations as the product of white racism.
He frequently attempted to convince the school to offer voluntary payment in lieu of property taxes, which they were not required to pay.
Hawthorne frequently attempts to expose the hypocrisy of Puritan culture in his literature.
At the start, Sam frequently attempts to seduce Rebecca without success.
Over the years, he frequently attempts to turn the weapons of various nations against them.