These asteroids are the most common type, and frequently collide with Earth as meteorites.
These patients may frequently collide with objects or structures such as door frames on the side being neglected.
Due to its location near a sharp bend in the Mississippi River, the bridge became a hazard to river traffic; barges and towboats frequently collided with it.
Small objects frequently collide with Earth.
The two have different priorities, which sometimes mesh but frequently collide.
For example in a long pore with a narrow diameter (2-50 nm) because molecules frequently collide with the pore wall.
Those needs often conflicted, he added, just as the interests of merchants and banks frequently collide in the payments industry.
He's also just chaired a Select Committee on MPs' working hours, which frequently collide head on with the following day.
In "Crumpled," in which the dancers frequently collide with one another, the central visual element is the theater's curtain, which rises and descends during the piece.
Barriers between lanes were minimal, and people frequently collided with each other on the way down, or at the end.