The different ideals and self-interested motives of the characters are frequently contrasted.
The case-control study is frequently contrasted with cohort studies, wherein exposed and unexposed subjects are observed until they develop an outcome of interest.
Corbin's views are frequently contrasted with those of fellow contracts scholar Samuel Williston, who was more of a formalist in his thinking.
It is frequently contrasted with idealistic pantheism, in which God and the Universe are identified with the essence of being, mind or consciousness.
They are frequently contrasted to deontological theories of morality, which typically hold that certain actions are either forbidden or wrong per se.
It is also frequently contrasted with the Guangdong model championed by Bo's predecessor and political opponent Wang Yang.
The Majorcan school is frequently contrasted with the contemporary Italian cartography school.
Synthetic languages are frequently contrasted with isolating languages.
She was frequently contrasted to the more daring Aphra Behn, to the latter's detriment.
Technical analysis is frequently contrasted with fundamental analysis, the study of economic factors that influence the way investors price financial markets.