Tourists who came to view Great Falls frequently dined and lodged at one of the town's taverns.
They were great favorites with Louise's parents, and frequently dined at their home.
Beethoven lived nearby and frequently dined there - so if you go there, you really are following in his footsteps.
He certainly tests the golf courses, just as he dines frequently at his own restaurants.
Frequently dines at fancy restaurants, and frequents hotels for afternoon tea.
We dined frequently in New York, albeit in different restaurants and with different people.
He dined frequently at the Cornell women's dining hall, to demonstrate his support for women's education and to encourage student interest in history.
His hope, the president added to laughter, "is that we'll be able to dine frequently."
In restaurants, the elderly frequently dine before 6 P.M. to take advantage of early-bird specials.
Those who frequently dine at Edie's, along with the staff, always keep an eye out for the boss.