According to testimony from a camp worker, the wolves at the dump frequently disregarded his presence and would adjust their arrival with that of the front-end loader, tearing into the garbage bags the moment they hit the ground.
The media frequently disregard complex scientific data in favor of testimonials about patients suffering from purported chronic Lyme disease and may even question the competence of clinicians who are reluctant to diagnose chronic Lyme disease.
Under that system, administrative approval by the Transportation Department gave carriers practical immunity from an antitrust challenge by the Justice Department, since the Transportation Department frequently disregarded those challenges.
The Palestinian guerrillas, members of various organizations, frequently disregarded Jordanian laws and came to be almost a state within a state.
"Circa 1492" frequently disregards its own title to include objects of special beauty or significance from other periods.
He goes to his sister, Penny, for advice, but she frequently disregards his questions.
Mothers frequently disregard these directions, and the failure of their infants to nurse properly may be thus explained, for it is impossible to secure undisturbed nursing unless they are obeyed.
He frequently disregarded physical discomfort and exhaustion for a consuming desire to meet and speak with as many local church members as possible.
The latter frequently disregarded the treaty line as they continued to encroach on native lands guaranteed by the treaty.
Alhurra is observed by Arab journalists as complying too scrupulously with embargoes on military information when Western media outlets frequently disregard these same requests.