It is well known for its campaigning techniques of dramatic protest stunts, usually dressed as comic book superheroes and frequently scaling public buildings, bridges and monuments.
In Victorian wedding photographs, for example, the bride and groom are frequently dressed in the same fashion as other members of the bridal party.
This name was given to him because he frequently dressed in a white suit and wore diamond pins, rings, and other jewelry.
I was frequently not dressed like the regular workers, but few of them ever bothered to stop a man in a suit, particularly when he acted as though he knew what he was doing.
When a Chicago sports team makes the playoffs, the lions are frequently dressed in that team's uniform.
They said that Ms. Soto had kept to herself and that the twins, whom she frequently dressed in matching outfits, were never seen at the local playground.
Also, the grinding wheel must be dressed frequently to remove metallic build-up.
She was a petite woman who frequently dressed in black and liked wearing large, dark glasses.
The statue is frequently dressed in sports jerseys when local professional teams are in the playoffs.