At that time, the inhabitants practiced a polytheistic religion and lived in tribal groups that frequently feuded.
He was on intimate terms with the intelligence community, 15 spy agencies that frequently feuded over the significance of raw intelligence.
Before the 1972 season they traded Tarkenton, who frequently feuded with Webster, back to the Vikings.
During 1975, she was absent from some of Tito's foreign visits and rumours started circulating about them feuding frequently.
And state governments, frequently feuding with tribes over land use or legal authority, would have a chance to offer symbolic support for tribal sovereignty.
But Mr. Raduyev had played virtually no role in the second war in Chechnya, and he frequently feuded with other guerrilla commanders.
They frequently feuded with tecnicos (faces) Quackenbush, Youth, and UltraMantis.
At Ballet Russe, the Russian ballerinas frequently feuded with American ballerinas, which they viewed as inferior.
He was succeeded by a protege, Joseph F. Crangle, with whom he also frequently feuded.
When my brother-in-law was a newspaper editor in a small town, there were two notorious families, feuding but frequently intermarrying, who often turned up in the police news.