He frequently highlighted the problems of the very poorest in society when putting questions to Margaret Thatcher and her ministers.
Since then, rotating exhibits on the mezzanine level frequently highlight commuter railroad and bridge/tunnel operations, as well as their history.
Air-brushing with a fine spray of paint out of a pressurized tube frequently highlighted faces and other details.
Early written work on Wigandia frequently highlight his objection to the "pampered woody European legacy" that has informed the Australian garden in the past.
While the objective genitive is etymologically more plausible, Lutheran writers frequently highlight the ambiguity and emphasize the subjective genitive.
But Mr. Tanzer is unusual among newsletter publishers in that he frequently highlights the opinions of other experts.
(Mr. Corzine is known for having an "open door" office policy and frequently highlights the thoughts of junior associates at meetings.)
Heyer frequently highlights the heroine's many masculine qualities, which include a fierce independence and a disregard for social mores.
As in Heyer's other novels, her word choice frequently highlights the fact that the heroine's behavior diverges from the socially accepted feminine ideal of the Regency period.