The commentary doesn't always line up with the action in the ring and when it does it can be frequently hilarious.
The interactions between the How's Your News team and the general public are always interesting, sometime awkward and frequently hilarious.
Her slapstick humiliations are frequently hilarious, but never entirely lighthearted: she often seems trapped, with a neediness that's more scary than funny.
Frequently hilarious and always engaging, this final book simultaneously satisfies the differing demands of prose fiction and narrative verse.
The Kansas City Star called it a "frequently hilarious comedy".
This book is good-natured, well written and frequently hilarious.
Count on them to lead a "happy, nasty and frequently hilarious assault on 20 years' worth of youth movies" (Scott).
The variety is certainly different, and frequently hilarious.
Julius Lester comes through at his irresistible best, as a compelling and frequently hilarious teller of tall tales.
The critiques of her paintings were uniformly negative, frequently hilarious, but never as succinct and violent as Sklent's.