Navy reports and pre-1900 historians frequently misspelled the name as "Merrimac", which is actually an unrelated ship.
The name is frequently misspelled as lawrencii.
The name of the band is frequently misspelled; often with Procul, Harem, both, or other variations.
The name is frequently misspelled as Anomoea, though the latter is a beetle genus.
The street's name is frequently misspelled as "The Bridal Path" by those who are unfamiliar with the history of the area.
Recording credits using his given last name have been frequently misspelled.
In general writing, some words are frequently misspelled, such as the incorrect spelling "concensus" for "consensus"
Throughout his career, Lumsdon's name was frequently misspelled as Lumsden.
His birthplace is frequently misspelled in websites due to transcription errors from old records.
Her middle name is frequently misspelled Muir.