During the monsoons, the canal frequently overflows creating havoc for the residents of the nearby areas.
Lump crabmeat frequently overflows from the soup tureen.
The river impacts its industries and way of life, particularly during spring run-off, when it frequently overflows into populated areas, in spite of the 160 dams and levees.
Cloistered below decks in cages which held 50 internees, the prisoners were forced to use broken toilets which overflowed frequently into their communal area.
By contrast, at the northern end of the area, Muddy Creek overflowed frequently, leaving behind a much richer alluvial soil which was suitable for the growing of vegetables.
After filling chairs in the aisles the crowd frequently overflowed into the fellowship hall downstairs, where the worship could be viewed on a closed-circuit television screen.
The toilets in the locker room frequently overflowed.
This area was the first townsite selected, but because the river frequently overflowed and flooded the place, the town was later relocated to its present site.
Unable to disgorge into the sea quickly enough, the river frequently overflows its banks and spreads across the flat land of its lower reaches, creating a huge floodplain.
Crabtree Creek frequently overflows its banks elsewhere in Raleigh during heavy rainstorms.