During the reign of king Yao, the Chinese heartland was frequently plagued by floods that prevented further economic and social development.
Pointing to the $500 caramel-colored leather jackets in his window, he said his store was frequently plagued with shoplifters despite its security guard and alarm system.
The country is frequently plagued by monsoons and earthquakes and many armed militia groups still patrol the streets.
Internet telephony has mostly not been high quality, and conversations are frequently plagued with static and delays.
Unfortunately the organisation was frequently plagued by splitt-offs, which caused a decrease of its membership.
Now, she is being discharged and has no memory of the actual fire, although she is frequently plagued by nightmares from that night.
But Tass said the ventures were frequently plagued by legal, financial and organizational problems.
Frequently plagued by vicious snowstorms during the winter.
The early beginnings of the College were modest, and the fledgling school was frequently plagued by debt.
It was frequently plagued by infiltrations by agents of the Mobutu regime.