And since many countries require physicians to be present at canings or whippings, corporal punishment frequently poses troublesome questions of medical ethics.
Ando's style frequently poses hypothetical situations, usually regarding a moral dilemma, to cohosts and guests.
The Friesekes' Giverny home and the garden they created there were often featured in his paintings, and his wife would frequently pose for him.
Although she frequently posed nude, she never appeared in scenes with explicit sexual content.
Though we can, not many of us frequently pose such questions to our doctors.
Language barriers also frequently pose a problem.
She frequently posed her mathematical problems to Gleason and was often rewarded with a quick and insightful response.
She frequently posed topless, but never fully nude.
The model for the sculpture, Jesse Phoebe Brown, posed frequently for O'Connor's works.
But it is more important to recognize that corporations and industries frequently pose dangers to communities - physically, economically, demographically.