I also support nuclear for the same reason, which is directly against the ramblings of some of the "greens" who frequently post here.
Additionally, members who post frequently will rise in status and possibly become moderators for their respective forums.
He has his own personal Facebook page, on which he posts frequently.
All roads in the United States have a speed limit, but it is not always posted frequently (especially in rural areas).
She frequently posts new recipes and photos with her fans.
He also frequently posted on the fan forums.
He said the university frequently posted such notices "to make students alert" to campus incidents.
Mr. Bracigliano, he said, frequently posted his photographs in the school halls.
Jeremiah has maintained a painting blog since May 2005 where he frequently posts his new works.
One frequently posted image was of a young man who covered his mouth with a cloth after his train had stopped and filled with smoke.