He frequently recites poetry about his opponent and still does today for his fighter's opponent.
Roosevelt Franklin usually appears in scenes with his mother, voiced by Loretta Long, who plays Susan on the series, and Roosevelt frequently recited poetry.
He frequently recited thds passage, adding, "And every man in Safed tonight, Arab and Jew alike, has this divine opportunity.
The mantra frequently recited to praise the Surya comes from the Rig Veda, Book 1 Hymn 35:
During guest appearances on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, he frequently recited his poetry.
And Now Another List from Bob; Bob will frequently recite lists gathered from other media sources.
During this time he learned about God from his mother, who frequently recited the Lord's prayer.
He frequently recited extemporaneous prayers.
Characters tend to have long, almost poetic speeches, frequently reciting witty lists of ideas or qualities.
This set of Hymns or Bani is very popular among the Sikhs, who frequently recite it in their places of worship called Gurdwaras and at home.