She frequently reiterates her intense dislike of Ko throughout the series and often squabbles with him.
If we are now to take it that that charming and gentle lady was unjustly convicted, then her own frequently reiterated belief must carry great weight.
Then will begin the next phase in the frequently reiterated P.L.O. plan - moving out from the mini-Palestine to take over the whole territory in one Palestinian state.
Therefore, the frequently reiterated claim that the war time rapes had been surrounded by decades of silence is probably not correct.
Unfortunately, Mr. Nelson does not expand upon these points this time so much as reduce them to a simplistic, frequently reiterated duel of acting styles.
There are people with faith, in other words (and the point is reiterated frequently), and people without it.
Clearly, Mr. Bush felt the pull of cliches, the most frequently reiterated of them, in the days before his inauguration, this one about all the people, and earlier, the one about compassionate conservatism.
As the report frequently reiterates, one of the serious problems facing the European Union at present is the fact that most Member States underestimate the need for far-reaching structural reform.
He is also not shy about his anti-religious views and frequently reiterates his belief that religion is detrimental to society.
A crucial issue highlighted in the responses to the Consultative Paper of 1987 and reiterated frequently since then is the fundamental importance of effective staff development.