Donovan, who frequently substituted in recent years, took over for Don LaPlace, who set the morning line since early 2000.
Centres usually play as part of a line of players that are substituted frequently to keep fresh and the game moving.
In Europe, the species Hierochloe alpina is frequently substituted or used interchangeably.
Elsewhere, the alternative term, Glattalbahn, is frequently substituted.
Once commercial whaling ended, whale meat became more difficult to obtain, so pork or duck were frequently substituted in for whale.
Also, meal choices were frequently substituted to reflect the local cuisine of destinations served, especially on flights to Latin America.
This sauce is frequently substituted for yogurt sauce in Lenten dishes.
English bowlers were frequently substituted at the end of bowling spells and replaced with fresh fielders.
At the same time, she frequently substituted for Jim Gardner when he was unable to anchor the 6 & 11 p.m. newscasts.
However, the volume produced is extremely limited, and the dulcitone's part is frequently substituted by a glockenspiel.